The purpose of the ÉXITO MSI Research Lab is to collaborate with Ethnic Studies and Feminist Studies faculty and graduate students to produce theoretical and practical contributions to the fields of Ethnic Studies and education.
Ongoing Research
Large Scale Longitudinal Study at UC Santa Barbara
Introductory undergraduate courses within Asian American Studies, Black Studies, Chicana/o/x Studies, and Feminist Studies
Thousands of UCSB students have been surveyed and follow-up qualitative interviews are planned
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Central Coast Policy Brief: Ethnic Studies Implementation
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Surveying 36 school districts that constitute California's Central Coast
ÉXITO Speaker Series
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- Highlight Ethnic Studies, Feminist Studies, and Education scholars' research and work
- Accessible to the UCSB community
Previous Research
- Burnett, M. (2022). "Cultivating Equity in STEM Education Using Ethnic Studies." 3rd Annual STENT Conference: Building a Community of Supervisors or Equity and Justice, UC Davis, Online.
- Burnett, M. (2022). "Improving Cultural Pre-College Science Experiences Through Culturally Relevant Pedagogies." Center for Black Studies Research Postdoctoral Panel, UC Santa Barbara, Hybrid.
- Burnett, M. (2021). "Leading Social and Education Justice: Service and Research for Communities." CalTeach Symposium: Hosted by UC Merced, Online.
- Nguyen, J. Nishimura, M., Zarate, A., Mireles-Rios, R., Hercules, A., Park, L. (2022). "I wish I would have learned this in high school: Building Critical Consciousness in Undergraduate Ethnic and Gender Studies Courses." American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference: San Diego, California.
- Solis, B. Wright, C. Miereles-Rios, R., Park, L., Banks, I., Zarate, A. (2022). "Benefits of Ethnic Studies Courses Among Transfer Students at a Minority-Serving Institution." American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference: San Diego, California.
- Zarate, A. (2023). "ÉXITO: Preparing Future Ethnic Studies Educators." Ethnic Studies Summit. Sacramento State University.